An analytical report on the results of a comprehensive student survey from TOT of Ukraine regarding the educational needs and problems related to receiving education - картинка 1

An analytical report on the results of a comprehensive student survey from TOT of Ukraine regarding the educational needs and problems related to receiving education

The purpose of this study is to identify which factors have a positive effect on the decision to enroll in Ukrainian HEI and the integration of students from TOT, and which factors have a negative effect, as well as to establish the general level of its integration into the new community and challenges that require quality decisions by the authorities, universities, public organizations, and based on the received data, develop appropriate recommendations.

The object of the study is the students of Ukrainian HEIs, who were at the TOT of Ukraine until 2022-2023.

On the basis of the received information, it is possible to determine the exact steps of advocacy activities, develop relevant provisions for the educational concept and reintegration plan of Ukrainian men and women from TOT, as well as introduce relevant provisions into the rules and conditions of admission to HEIs.

The results of the survey can be used for the further development of an information and communication campaign and recommended to subjects of educational activity.

This analytical report was prepared by the Center for Civic Education "Almenda" (CCE "Almenda") and the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights with the support of the project of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) "Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI)". The content of this product is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.