Monitoring report “Universal Soldier” for November 2022
The Russian Federation purposefully continues the policy of destroying the Ukrainian identity and militarizing the children who remained in the occupied territories of Ukraine. The actions of the Russian Federation are aimed at the complete assimilation of the population of the occupied territories and the formation of children’s desire to support the armed forces of the Russian Federation, including voluntary entry into the Russian army upon reaching the appropriate age.

In November, in the occupied territories of the Russian Federation, it continued to hold classes «Lessons about important things», which are aimed at forming patriotic feelings towards the Russian Federation in Ukrainian children. In the same way, thematic events continue, during which children are taught the basics of military affairs. The occupation authorities organize meetings of children with the participants of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the main purpose of which is to form a heroic image of servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, memorial plaques dedicated to fallen servicemen are opened in schools.

Among the events that took place in November, it is worth noting the announcement of the introduction of the course of initial military training into the compulsory school curriculum, the holding of a thematic change in the «Selet-Ak Bars» youth center – the school of young commanders (date: from 31.10 to 4.11), the implementation of the project «Dialogue on Equals» in the framework of which children meet with participants in the Russian-Ukrainian war. In addition, in November, the Russian Federation opened regional branches of the Russian military-patriotic movement «Yunarmy» in the occupied Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions.

Read more in the full text of the monitoring report of the NGO CCE “Almenda” – “Universal soldier” or education as a tool of Russia in the occupied south of Ukraine”
This monitoring report “Universal Soldier” or education as a weapon of Russia in the occupied south of Ukraine” was produced within the project «EU Emergency Support 4 Civil Society», implemented by ISAR Ednannia with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of CCE “Almenda” and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. #ПрямуємоРазом #TeamEurope #MovingForwardTogether #ISAREdnannia