Russian Youth Policy in the Temporarily Occupied Territories: Zaporizhzhia Region. - картинка 1

Russian Youth Policy in the Temporarily Occupied Territories: Zaporizhzhia Region.

  1. Legal Regulation and Funding of Youth Policy in the TOT of Zaporizhzhia Region
  2. Responsible for Implementing Youth Policy in the TOT of Zaporizhzhia Region.

After the occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (hereinafter – AR of Crimea) and the city of Sevastopol and the start of the military operation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions in 2014, Russia shifted its focus to fostering “true” patriots among the youth, both within its own borders and in the territories it had occupied. The primary goal of these efforts is to ensure loyalty, unconditional support, and readiness to defend Russia at any moment, even if the threat is imaginary.

This strategy significantly intensified after the full-scale invasion in 2022, when the Russian Federation unlawfully incorporated parts of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions into its territory on 30 September of the same year. In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine (hereinafter – TOT), Russian legislation was introduced, including in the field of youth policy, similar to what had previously happened in the occupied territory of the AR of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. As a result, a significant portion of Ukrainian youth fell under Russian control and pressure.

In a short time, “state bodies” responsible for youth policy were established in the TOT, and all major children’s and youth organisations promoting “traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” began operating. Through these structures, the Russian authorities systematically influence young people in the TOT, aiming to instil a Russian identity in them and turn them into a potential mobilisation reserve for its army.

In June 2024, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko stated that the “new regions” had been fully integrated into Russia’s youth policy system. He also announced that over 336 million roubles had been allocated for the comprehensive improvement of youth policy in 2024 through the “Region for the Young” programme.

In view of the above, the CCE “Almenda” has conducted a study to raise public and international awareness of  the violations committed by the Russian Federation in the youth sector in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

 The study highlights the use of youth policy as a tool for Russification, indoctrination, and militarisation of individuals aged 14 to 24.

We continue to highlight the formation of Russian youth policy in the TOT, the officials responsible for its implementation, the activities aimed at militarising young people, and the eradication of their Ukrainian identity. This article focuses on the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region.

The “legal basis” of youth policy in the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region consists of regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation and the occupation authorities in the region: the Constitution, the Federal Law “On Youth Policy in the Russian Federation”, acts of the President, the Government, and other federal executive bodies, as well as the so-called law “On Youth Policy in Zaporizhzhia Region”, adopted in 2024.

In the relevant “law”, one of the tasks of youth policy in the region is defined as “the formation and establishment of patriotic views and a sense of loyalty to the Motherland (note – Russia) in the minds of young people, pride in their country, respect for the military past of the Zaporizhzhia region, its sacred sites, and traditions of service to the Motherland […]”.

In December 2023, Yevhen Balytskyi, the so-called “governor of the Zaporizhzhia region”, approved the “Action Plan for the Implementation of the State National Policy Strategy of the Russian Federation in the Zaporizhzhia Region for 2024–2025, covering the period up to 2025”. One of its sections is dedicated to “the formation of an all-Russian civic identity, patriotism, and a culture of interethnic communication among children and young people”. It also includes a list of activities aimed at “shaping civic consciousness, patriotism, and a sense of pride in Russia’s history” – in other words, measures designed to eradicate the Ukrainian identity of young people.

  • Activities dedicated to the “Day of National Heroes”;
  • Activities within the framework of the “Watch of Memory” project;
  • Youth interethnic forum “Russia is Our Common Home”;
  • Participation in the interethnic cultural-educational project “We are Russia,” and more.

During more than 2 years of occupation of the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region, Russia has allocated significant funds to finance youth policy in the region, particularly through grants from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodyozh). It is known that 4 million rubles were allocated to students from the region for the implementation of social projects (in 2023), and in June 2024, the so-called “Governor” Balytskyi reported 14 million rubles in grant aid from Rosmolodyozh. Additionally, as part of the “Region for Youth” program for 2025, over 276 million rubles have been allocated to support youth self-realization and the creation of eight modern youth spaces. Of this amount, more than 38 million rubles are designated for the temporarily occupied territories of the Zaporizhzhia region.

Responsible for Implementing Youth Policy in the TOT of Zaporizhzhia Region.

Russian Youth Policy in the Temporarily Occupied Territories: Zaporizhzhia Region. - картинка 2

Ministry established by the occupation authorities

The so-called “Ministry of Youth Policy of the Military-Civilian Administration of the Zaporizhzhia Region” (TOT) was registered on 29 July 2022, and by December of the same year (after the illegal annexation of Ukrainian territories to the Russian Federation), it was registered as “property of the subjects of the Russian Federation”. The ministry was headed by Anton Tytsky from July 2022 to January 2024, who currently serves as the “First Deputy for Internal Policy” under the so-called “Governor of the Zaporizhzhia region”, Yevhen Balytskyi.

Two criminal proceedings are currently under consideration in Ukrainian courts regarding Anton Tytsky (No. 761/42027/23, No. 333/7938/24). One of them is related to his activities in the indoctrination of youth in the temporarily occupied territories of the Zaporizhzhia region, along with the so-called “Governor” Balytskyi and the head of the “Jug Molodoy” (Young South) organization, Yuliya Klimenko. In addition, Tytskyi has been subjected to both Ukrainian and international sanctions.

The so-called “Ministry of Youth Policy of the Military-Civilian Administration of the Zaporizhzhia Region” was dissolved in April 2024, with the liquidation process officially completed on 15 October 2024. However, in practice, the functions of the occupation institution were transferred as early as January 2024 to the newly created occupation body, the “Ministry of Youth Policy of the Zaporizhzhia Region”.

Russian Youth Policy in the Temporarily Occupied Territories: Zaporizhzhia Region. - картинка 3

Fact sheet

“Ministry of Youth Policy of Zaporizhzhia Region”Occupation executive authority in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia region, whose activities are managed by the so-called “Government of Zaporizhzhia region”. It is the legal successor of the liquidated so-called “Ministry of Youth Policy of the Military-Civil Administration of Zaporizhzhia Region”.
Date of establishment/registration12.01.2024/22.01.2024
HeadYegor Logunov, acting “minister” since March 2024, “minister” since September 2024.
Before Logunov’s appointment, Ellina Ayrapetova served as acting “minister” for a short period.
LocationZaporizhzhia region, Melitopol, Interkulturnaya Street, 2/2 (the street was unlawfully renamed by the Russian occupation authorities to Catherine the Great Street on 7 April 2023).

Simultaneously with the establishment of the new “ministry” on 12 January 2024, the “Regulation on the Ministry of Youth Policy of Zaporizhzhia Region” was adopted. Interestingly, one of the areas of activity of the so-called “ministry” is cooperation with mass media on programmes that shape and develop in young citizens a “sense of patriotism, pride in the history of Zaporizhzhia region and the Russian Federation”. Additionally, the “ministry’s” tasks include “implementing measures to foster civic patriotism among the youth, and assisting in preparing the youth for military service.”.

The current “minister” of the occupation ministry.

Russian Youth Policy in the Temporarily Occupied Territories: Zaporizhzhia Region. - картинка 4

The current head of the so-called “Ministry of Youth Policy of Zaporizhzhia Region”, Yegor Logunov, born in 1988, before relocating to the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region, held the position of General Director of the company “Russtroy” in occupied Crimea. Prior to assuming the role of the so-called “Minister of Youth Policy,” he headed the state budget institution “Youth Resource Centre” established by the occupation authorities”.

Connections with the occupation administration in the TOT of Zaporizhzhia Region.

In his publications, Logunov refers to Anton Tytsky as a “leader and comrade” and speaks about their long-standing acquaintance. Moreover, in March 2023, Logunov, together with Tytsky, who at that time held the position of “Minister of Youth Policy”, visited the so-called Special Military Operation zone. Photographs from this visit, including one with an artillery system in the background, were circulated in Russian media. During such trips, Logunov participated in the delivery of humanitarian aid to Russian soldiers, and the visit had a clear propagandist aim: to demonstrate the occupation administration’s support for the so-called participants of the Special Military Operation. It is likely that Tytsky played a role in involving Logunov in the work on TOT of Zaporizhzhia region. Over the course of their cooperation, Logunov established himself as an active proponent of Russian ideological values, which later allowed him to take up the position of “Minister of Youth Policy” after Anton Tytsky was promoted in 2024.

The activity related to indoctrination, Russification, and militarisation of youth from the TOT of the Zaporizhzhia region.

Russian Youth Policy in the Temporarily Occupied Territories: Zaporizhzhia Region. - картинка 7

Logunov supports Russian President Putin’s initiative to involve Russian military personnel in the education of young people as part of the new “Youth and Children” project. He takes pride in the fact that “in the Zaporizhzhia region, military personnel with combat experience in the special military operation zone are already being involved in military-patriotic education of the younger generation”. Such meetings also take place at the so-called “Ministry of Youth Policy of Zaporizhzhia Region”. Within this framework, “Dialogues with Heroes” (the project’s name) are organized, where young people from the TOT engage with Russian soldiers who have participated in combat actions in Ukraine. A notable example of this event was the invitation of a 19-year-old soldier nicknamed “Shaheed”, presented as a “hero” who “valiantly defends the homeland” – i.e., Russia  and who received awards for his “feats”. The choice of such a young speaker is not accidental – it is a targeted effort to instill in the youth from the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region the idea of the “honour” of serving in the Russian armed forces and to shape the perception of military service as an obligation for the younger generation. Logunov personally attended this event (in the photo—Logunov with the participant of the so-called “Special Military Operation”, “Shaheed”).

Russian Youth Policy in the Temporarily Occupied Territories: Zaporizhzhia Region. - картинка 8

Moreover, Yegor Logunov supported the creation of the Youth Military and Sports Training and Patriotic Education Center “Voin” (“Warrior”) in occupied Berdyansk, which is being built on the premises of the children’s camp “Iskra” and will start accepting participants from 2025. The centre will serve as a venue for military drills, games, and other militarised events, effectively becoming a training hub for youth from the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region to prepare for service in the Russian armed forces. It is worth noting that the former director of the “Voin” center, (with its main office in Moscow), and now the first deputy director, Igor Kazaryozov, has been under UK sanctions since 19 November 2024.. 

Logunov is actively involved in both organising and conducting the All-Russian military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa 2.0” (“Summer Lightning”) in the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region. Together with representatives of the occupation administrations, youth organisations, and educational institutions, he participated in the event’s preparation as well as the ceremonial opening of the regional stage, which took place at the “Red Carnation” children’s camp (illegally established by Russia as a branch of the “Artek” children’s centre) in occupied Berdiansk. As part of the game, participants practised drill training, navigated obstacle courses, and learned basic first aid, among other activities. According to Logunov, “Zarnitsa” will “promote patriotic education and help develop initial military training skills in the younger generation”.

The so-called “Minister of Youth Policy” participated in sending children from the TOT of Zaporizhzhia to Russia as part of the “Train of Heroes” project. This “initiative” involves introducing minors to the culture and traditions of Russian regions, as well as engaging them in patriotic programmes and sporting events. Overall, Logunov actively takes part in activities aimed at the patriotic indoctrination of youth from the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region. He participated in the display of a large-scale banner featuring Putin as part of the “We Are United” campaign, celebrated “National Unity Day” by unfurling a hundred-metre tricolour and organising events glorifying the “greatness of Russia”, and promotes employment in Russian state institutions, encouraging young people to become “professionals” in public service.

Thus, the activities of the so-called “Ministry of Youth Policy of the Zaporizhzhia Region” serve as an important tool for Russia’s indoctrination, Russification, and militarisation of youth in the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region. Its work is primarily focused on:

  • Creating the illusion of stability and development in the region  
  • Ensuring ideological influence on the younger generation and spreading Russian propaganda among them;
  • Preparing a mobilisation reserve of young people in the temporarily occupied territories. 

And it is Yegor Logunov, as the “minister” of the occupation body, who bears responsibility for the activities carried out by the so-called “youth ministry”, even if he does not personally take part in these events. He is one of the key representatives of the occupation administration in the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region, whose actions are aimed at strengthening Russian control over the youth in the region. The actions of Logunov and the “ministry” he leads should be regarded as violations not only of Ukraine’s national legislation but also of international law.

Material was prepared by the Center for Civic Education “Almenda” within the framework of the project “Russian Youth Policy as an Instrument of Indoctrination and Militarization of Children”. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the Public Organization “Center for Civic Education “Almenda” and does not necessarily reflect the position of Civil Rights Defenders.