Militarization from kindergarten: how future “defenders” of Russia are raised in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol
Cadet education is one of the mechanisms used by Russia to militarize children, including in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine (TOT). It fosters loyalty to Russian military structures and gradually prepares young people for service in the Russian army or other security forces.
The occupation authorities in the TOT of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol are actively introducing a cadet component in education by opening cadet classes in schools. The first such classroom appeared in the 2014/2015 school year in Yalta, the year of Russia’s occupation of Crimea. In the 2024/2025 academic year, the number of cadet classes in the TOT of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea increased 21.7 times compared with the 2016/2017 academic year: from 12 to 260.
For the TOT of Sevastopol, the first cadet classes were also opened almost immediately after Russia’s occupation—in 2015, based on schools No. 22 and No. 60. In the 2023/2024 academic year, the number of children in cadet classes in occupied Sevastopol increased 17.2 times compared to the 2015/2016 academic year: from 71 to 1220.
Cadet classes in the TOT of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol can be opened in schools from the first grade. This indicates that the occupation authorities are trying to influence the minds of children from early childhood, namely from 6.5 to 8 years old. However, in some cases, the cadet component is introduced even in preschool education institutions. One of the most striking examples is kindergarten No. 103 in the village of Kacha (TOT of Sevastopol*), where an additional program, “Young Kacha Cadets,” has been implemented for five years. The pupils are not just prepared for school (as should be the case in a preschool) but are turned into “exemplary citizens of the Russian Federation” ready to serve Russia faithfully.
*Kacha village became part of Bakhchisaray district of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Kindergarten No. 103: militarism from the foundation
Kindergarten No. 103 is one of the eight preschool education institutions of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which was transferred to the balance sheet of the occupied city of Sevastopol in 2018. The website of the so-called “government of Sevastopol” states that the transfer occurred “by the decision of the Governor of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu”.

The building of kindergarten No. 103 in the village of Kacha (TOT Sevastopol), source: https://t.me/maksimkrivonos/1109 ,archive https://archive.ph/wip/oMyGO
In March 2024, a new second building of kindergarten No. 103 was opened in the village of Kacha (TOT of Sevastopol). Its entire design is associated with aviation; in particular, the entrance to the kindergarten building resembles an airplane fuselage. This choice of the occupation authorities of Sevastopol is not accidental: according to the words of the so-called director of the “Department of Education and Science of Sevastopol,” Maxim Krivonos, who attended the opening of the new building, the village of Kacha is known as the “cradle of military aviation”. The first school of military pilots in the Russian Empire operated here, and later, the aviation units of the Russian Black Sea Fleet were deployed here, which are used by Russia in the wars it has started, including against Ukraine. Based on this militarized history of the Russian Federation, military education is imposed in the village, starting with the youngest ones.
General information about the preschool educational institution
Name | the so-called “state budgetary preschool educational institution of Sevastopol “Kindergarten №103” |
Manager | Yulia Sidorova |
Location** | One building: 299814, Sevastopol, Polyushko village, 5 Gagarina str. (TOT) Second building: 299804, Sevastopol, Kacha village, 13 Pokryshkina str. (TOT) The previous second building was located at 11 Aviatoriv Street, Kacha village |
Project occupancy rate | 1 building – 100 seats 2 building – 327 seats, 14 groups |
In addition to the Young Kachinsky Cadets program, an aircraft modeling room was opened in the new 2nd building of the kindergarten. The head of the institution, Yulia Sidorova, says that by the end of 2025, the children plan to launch quadcopters: The competition for their assembly and launch will coincide with May 9 (note: Victory Day in Russia).

Yulia Sydorova, head of kindergarten No. 103.
Under the leadership of Sidorova, who has been in charge of kindergarten No.103 since at least 2014, the institution actively involves students (not just cadets) in military-related activities. On the eve of February 23 (Defender of the Fatherland Day in the Russian Federation), the kindergarten holds “Lessons of Courage”, where preschoolers are told how important it is to “defend their homeland” and be brave. The children also make greeting cards and drawings for the so-called “SVO” members. In addition, the kindergarten organizes patriotic song competitions where children in military uniforms perform songs about “fatherland, heroism and love for their country” and meet with the Russian military. All these activities aim to form the idea that Russia is their “motherland”.

“Young Kachinsky Cadets”: military education from kindergarten onwards

A cadet group of 32 older preschool children was opened in kindergarten No. 103 back in 2020. The Young Kachinsky Cadets program currently covers 117 children aged 5 to 7 years, and 15 teachers are involved in its implementation.
Training under the “Young Kachinsky Cadets” program is aimed at “educating a humane, spiritual, moral, intellectual, cultural and physically developed personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland” (note: translation by the author) and is supposed to form children:
“[…] to present the idea of Russia as a native country, as a great power; to acquaint students with the brightest pages of the history of the Russian state; to expand knowledge of cadet traditions; to teach the general provisions of the military regulations and the duties of commanders and students before forming up and in formation; to teach elements of drill training; […]”
Below are excerpts from the “Young Kaczynski Cadets” program, which Yulia Sydorova approved on August 30, 2024, for 2 years:

To implement the “Young Kachinsky Cadets” program, kindergarten No. 103 has established cooperation with the Russian military unit No. 49311 and receives consultations and methodological assistance from the so-called “Sevastopol State University”.

The occupation authorities of Sevastopol included kindergarten No. 103, with the Young Kachinsky Cadets program, in the “List of Regional Innovation Platforms Carrying Out Educational Activities in the City of Sevastopol.” In January 2025, the head of the institution, Yulia Sydorova, publicly reported on the “successes” of this project. As part of the presentation of the kindergarten’s work, a “solemn initiation” of children into cadets took place, which was attended by representatives of the so-called “authorities” of occupied Sevastopol, including a deputy of the so-called “Legislative Assembly” Alexander Kulagin. In his speech, he emphasized that it is a “great honor” for children to become cadets in 2025, which is declared the “Year of the Defender of the Fatherland” in Russia. The politician said that the central values of cadet education are patriotism and discipline, and he is confident that every student will always be ready to defend Russia.

The annual Kachinsky Cadet Ball is another way to foster children’s commitment to Russian military traditions. In the spring of 2024, it was held for the fifth time. Preschoolers in military uniforms performed a cadet waltz, a polonaise, patriotic songs, and recited poems about the “heroic history of Russia”.

In addition, children are involved in helping Russian military personnel. In particular, representatives of the organization Maskseti, which collects humanitarian aid for members of the so-called SVO, held a master class on weaving camouflage nets, which was attended not only by teachers but also by preschoolers. Along this way, the little “cadets” are taught that helping the Russian military is part of their duty, and such classes strengthen their sense of involvement in Russia’s great “mission.”
The systematic militarization of education in the TOT, mainly through cadet programs, is part of Russia’s long-term strategy. It is aimed at ensuring that Ukrainian children get used to military discipline from an early age and perceive the cult of war as the norm. They should join the Russian armed forces or other security agencies in the future. Starting in kindergarten, they are immersed in a world without room for critical thinking, but instead blind obedience and loyalty to the “fatherland,” which is the aggressor state. This occupation policy is a methodical destruction of Ukrainian identity, Russification, and the formation of a generation that will unconditionally support the Russian regime and, if necessary, be ready to give their lives for it.
This article was prepared with the financial support of the Czech organisation People in Need, as part of the SOS Ukraine initiative. The contents of the publication do not necessarily reflect their position.