Warriors for the Russian regime. How Russia militarises Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories 25.06.2024
What norms of international law does Russia violate by indoctrinating and militarising Ukrainian children in the TOT? 20.05.2024
How Russia influences the consciousness of Ukrainian from the TOT, on the example of the “University sessions” program 23.02.2024
University sessions: Bauman Moscow State Technical University and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 19.02.2024
Statement on dissolution of all relations with Russian universities involved in indoctrination of children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine 15.02.2024
The young people under the control: the growth dynamics of youth movements in occupied territories of the south of Ukraine 28.12.2023
Persons involved in militarization and indoctrination of children in the TOT of Ukraine are in new EU sanctions list 19.12.2023
School museums in the occupied South: how Russia uses historical memory as a propaganda vehicle 11.12.2023